UX & Content Design for a New Marketing Section on Fidelity.com to Help Convert Prospects

What began as a quick response to a request from phone reps became a valuable resource to gain customers

Summary of Project & My Role

Phone reps came to Design to ask for a page to direct prospects to that explained what Fidelity offers and what differentiates them from other financial services firms. There were various marketing landing pages that some phone reps had bookmarked, but no single destination that had design and content kept up to date.

We had just migrated Fidelity.com into a new Content Management System (CMS), there were a limited number of components to choose from, and we were trying not to hardcode anything and create UX debt (thereby undermining the CMS). So, while this seems like a straightforward informational page, this version represents the 4th or 5th wireframed iteration because of what was and was not feasible.

A couple of issues that could not be addressed before launch:

  1. Accessibility & Usability: Not enough contrast between the video image and the text overlay

  2. Design Style Guide & Standards: Images that correspond to links (e.g., the spot illustration of the person with a word bubble above “Planning & advice”) are also supposed to be linked, but we were not able to link them

  3. Mobile-First Design: We were not able to use “click-to-call” on the phone number and corresponding phone spot illustration


Stakeholder Interviews & Presentations, Data Analysis, Information Architecture, Content Design, UI Design, Choosing & Editing Stock Photography, Writing, A/B Testing, Usability & Accessibility Testing


Adobe Analytics, Sketch, Zoom, Grammarly, Adobe PhotoShop, Accessibility Cloud, Adobe Premiere Pro, Microsoft Outlook, & Microsoft PowerPoint

Problem We Aimed to Solve

Destination for phone reps to send to prospects: Phone reps had bookmarked their own marketing landing pages that were out of date as far as content tone, design style, and legal compliance

Solution & Impact

“Why. Fidelity” page on Fidelity.com: Details about what we offer, awards we’d won, customer testimonials, rewards offered to wealth management clients, and what differentiated Fidelity from other firms

—which resulted in—

Thousands of views per month from phone reps: Phone reps were happy to have a fresh, informative site to send to prospects and were getting good feedback on it

More views per month through site navigation and search: We realized that this page was something that people coming to our site were also looking for (not just those people who had called in), so we decided to make this its own section with child pages, to add it to the top navigation, and to employ our internal agency to create short explainer videos for the main page and the child pages

Additional components & functionality within CMS: The amount of views this section was getting allowed us to plead our case to the CMS development team and we were able to fix the issues that it had at launch (i.e., higher contrast for overlay text on videos, ability to link images)


Streamlined knowledge management for complex Design org


IA and content design for customer profile confirmation modal